
Free Images For Your Website

You can find free clip-art, photos, gifs, jpegs and other images for your website, blog or online project here. Make sure you provide full attribution when using them.

Ace Clip art Some of the images we use on our web sites come from this site.
UVics Clip art Some of the images we use on our web sites come from this site.
Vectorstock You can get really creative with vector images. Some of the images we use on our web sites come from this site.
Free photos As well as providing you with a place to store your photos Flickr members often provide their photos free of copyright for non-commercial use. Remember to follow the copyright notice.
More free photos Free Foto is another site with free photographs for non-commercial use.
Image Manipulation Once you have found your image you may want to resize, flip, rotate ... (you get the idea). GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

Please let us know if you find any out-of-date links.