
Free PiP App for Chrome

If you don't have more than one monitor it can be difficult to organise multiple web pages.  

For example, in some of our online sessions people want to be able to read text from one web site, post comments in another, whilst watching a YouTube video, or keeping an eye on other sites like G+ or Facebook.  

The Chrome extension Picture in Picture Viewer (PiP) lets you open panels from different sites (including Hangouts) in the same window. 

Make sure you set it up correctly, and enable it within your browser extensions.  Once it is set up you will see a small icon appear in your browser's toolbar, and you will be able to click on it to open your current page in a floating panel. 

You can create multiple panels, and drag them around your screen. Any panel created stays open, even if you close Chrome, and you can navigate between them, or close them from the taskbar. 

Download it for your Chrome browser here:-